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Terms of Reference (ToR) Call for Consultant Establish complaint mechanisms

Terms of Reference (ToR) Call for Consultant Establish complaint mechanisms


Tamkeen for Legal Aid is a Jordanian non-government organization that seeks to enhance social protection for marginalized groups and victims of human rights violations, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age. Tamkeen’s main aim is to combat all forms of discrimination, trafficking in persons, torture, and ill treatment. It promotes and protects the rights of victims through offering legal aid and support; organizing and implementing customized training programs, workshops, and seminars; reviewing and analyzing national legislations; and developing advocacy strategies to fulfil our objectives on the local, regional and international levels through networking with stakeholders, advocates, activists, state-and non-state actors.

Since its establishment in 2007, Tamkeen has focused on protecting the rights of the most vulnerable groups in society, with a specialized focus on migrant workers, victims of human trafficking and refugees. It has been doing so through a three-prong strategy of prevention, protection, and prosecution. Tamkeen aims to accomplish its goal through several activities, mainly: conducting capacity building trainings with various stakeholders, with a focus on governmental entities and members of the media; conducting awareness raising sessions that target members of the public, with a focus on migrants, refugees and Jordanians; distributing and printing various kinds of publications, including research reports, studies, and awareness raising materials; and providing legal aid services to beneficiaries.

Tamkeen in partnership with Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) are implementing a program titled “Zero Tolerance: Preventing Workplace Violence and Sexual Abuse in Jordan”. The overall objective of the program is to combat workplace violence and harassment in Jordan, by advocating for the adoption of ILO Convention 190 and targeting different stakeholders to enhance awareness and establish efficient complaint mechanisms.

As a part of the capacity development component of the program, Tamkeen seeks to conduct an elementary phase for the development of a Complaints, Feedback and Response Mechanism (CFRM) for the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions.

Tamkeen is seeking an experienced consultant with a technical background in institutionalizing CFRM into a small organization.

Scope and Objectives

The objectives of this consultancy are to 1) assess General Federation of Jordanian Trade Union organizational processes, procedures, and needs with respect to beneficiaries 2) develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to CFRM based on organizational needs and capacities 3) train staff on developed SOPs 4) propose a model for the proper documentation and tracking of complaints and feedbacks and 5) develop a basic implementation roadmap for future phases of CFRM development building on suggestions of this consultancy.

The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop Standard Operating Procedures that will provide policies, processes and standards needed for General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions to implement CFRM processes, enhance its accountability, create a safe working environment for beneficiaries and employees to launch complaints and feedbacks, as well as provide guidance for how to address and resolve beneficiary/employee issues. The SOPs should be developed based on the capacity and needs of  General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions in its current stage, keeping in mind potential future stages of CFRM development once the first development phase is successfully and sustainably implemented.

Suggested Methodology

  • Desk review of key practices and tools related to CFRM
  • Interviews with key informants including:
    • HR staff
    • Case manager
    • Community facilitator team
    • M&E staff
  • The consultant will work with General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions HR and M&E team for guidance and feedback throughout


The final deliverables will be:

  • The text of the SOPs (in Arabic) based on activities outlined above and an assessment of needs
  • A training on the implementation of SOPs conducted for key staff
  • A roadmap document outlining suggested steps to take moving forward with CFRM implementation

The approximate timeline is shown below:

ActivityApproximate number of working days
Information gathering and understanding General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions needs, capacity, and current practices3
Submission of draft SOPs4
Time for feedback/editing4
Conducting training for key staff2
Roadmap for steps moving forward2


The consultant will be paid based on the number of working days specified in the technical proposal in two installments:

  • 50% following the submission of the draft SOPs
  • 50 following the finalization of key staff training

Qualifications and Experience

  • Relevant academic experience in human resources, social sciences, law, labor, or migration studies;
  • Relevant experience writing SOPs, processes, procedures, user manuals, and/or work instructions;
  • Ability to collect, organize, analyze, and document important information and process steps;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative of the tasks;
  • Strong analytical, oral, and written communication skills in Arabic;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office and ability to develop easy-to-read process flowcharts;
  • Ability to work efficiently and adhere to deadlines.

Expression of Interest

Interested applicants are requested to submit an application with the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV) outlining relevant qualifications and work experience;
  • A description of the scope of work and intended methodology to be used, as well as tentative work plan, activities, and timeframes
  • An example of previously developed SOPs, processes, procedures, or manuals
  • Financial proposal

Expressions of interest should be sent