What We Do
We support labor rights, labor movements, and the rights of Jordanian, migrant, and refugee workers while combating forced labor. This is achieved through networks of activists and advocates dedicated to championing and defending the rights of marginalized groups.
Our efforts include:
- Providing legal services, consultations, and human rights education.
- Advocacy campaigns, training programs, and analytical research and studies.
- Media campaigns and awareness-raising activities.
- Developing specialized programs to enhance human rights, improve legal services, identify effective solutions, and drive meaningful change to promote the rights of migrants, victims of human trafficking, and forced labor.
- Raising awareness about human rights violations against Jordanian, migrant, and refugee workers, as well as victims of human trafficking.
- Monitoring and documenting various aspects of exploitation and abuse, enhancing knowledge of prevention, protection mechanisms, and legal assistance, and empowering workers to enter the labor market.
Where We Work
We operate across all governorates in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with a main office located in:
Organizational structure
Programs and Projects Unit
Protection and Assistance Unit
Resources, Research, and Advocacy Unit
Human Resources Unit
Finance Unit
Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
Administrative Unit